
The Runestone is the official newsletter of the Barony of Western Seas. It is produced by the Chronicler’s office of the Barony and distributed here on this website for all. To view and read each issue, you must have PDF reading capability on your device.

William Blackfox Awards LogoEach year, newsletters and websites around the world for groups within the SCA are considered for the most prestigious William Blackfox Awards. Members of the populace can nominate official periodicals and sites through their local chapter which are referred to Kingdom where nominees are judged, then forwarded on for the final awards should they pass muster. Chroniclers and Webwrights (or Web Ministers) through the Known World work hard to produce engaging, thoughtful, and informative content for members and gentles to enjoy.Western Sea’s “Runestone” has been awarded several awards for best newsletter, articles, and artwork through recent years. It is a tradition shared by all within the Barony who contribute writings, photos, artwork, poetry, and support. The “Runestone” is not just the work of the Chroniclers – but the entire populace. This is your newsletter; congratulations one and all!


Produced by Lady Katheryn of Caledonia


Produced by Lord Olafr inn mikli Sveinsson

2018/2019 Q1



Produced by Bantiarna Sadhbh inghean Ui Chonghail

Recipient of the AS 51 William Blackfox Awards for Best Special Issue, Commendation for “50th Year Anniversary”


Produced by Lady Viviana of Peridot Island

Recipient of the AS 50 William Blackfox Awards for Best Poetry or Short Fiction, Commendation for “A Sonnet fit for a Viking Queen” by Baron Claudius di Bartolomeo


Produced by Lady Viviana of Peridot Island

Recipient of the AS 49 William Blackfox Awards for the following:
– Best Overall Newsletter, Lady Viiviana of Peridot Island
– Best Regular Feature, “Cooking with Claudius” by Baron Claudius di Bartolomeo
– Best Poetry or Short Fiction, “Wanderer in Rags” by Lord Riley Frost