Their Excellencies, Claudius and Duibheassa, show the gentles and guests how Rapier fighting is done during the Hawaiian Scottish Association’s Highland Games of 2018 held at the McCoy Pavilion of Ala Moana Beach Park.
Hear ye! Hear ye!
In support of the Hawaiian/Scottish Association, the populace of the Barony of Western Seas is once again participating with fighting, arts and sciences demonstrations during this annual festival. Come out and share your skills and talents while supporting Celtic culture in the land.
April 6 & 7, 2019; 10am to 5pm (-ish)
McCoy Pavilion, Ala Moana Beach Park
1201 Ala Moana Blvd, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814
SCA setup is outside of the main entrance, on the makai side of the pavilion
Fighting Demonstration Times
1pm Saturday & Sunday
3pm Saturday & Sunday
Populace Notes
Daily setup time: 10am (no overnight)
This is a voluntary demonstration, there will be no formal court by Their Excellencies, nor awards – but your participation is greatly welcome! Come ready to share your medieval anachronisms!
Please bring your shade, table, seats, and refreshments (or spend money at the festival’s vendors) and prepare to share.
Contact His Excellency, Baron Andrew of Fairburn, for further details (barony@westernseas.org)
Festival information: Hawaiian Scottish Association Site (opens in a new tab)
Photo provided by Baron Claudius di Bartolomeo, Highland Games of 2018