The newest of the Barony’s cantons, Farhaven encompasses the entire Big Island of Hawaiʻi which is home to the most active volcano on earth! Generally, the island is divided into two sections, the Hilo side (eastern side of the volcanoes) and Kona side (western side of the volcanoes) – along with towns corresponding. The canton is most active on the Hilo side of the island, so it is best to plan your trips for there. Special events may be had at other locales, please contact the Seneschal prior to making reservations.
Lady Shea Vonquinian
If you’re in Farhaven and want to participate we have many different activities; from costuming and feasting to archery and swordplay. We have regular events on the second Saturday of odd numbered months in various locations. There is also sword fighting practices in Hilo and Oceanview on many Sundays. Check the calendar for more information.